
Stretch's first foreign acquisition is a reality

Our goal is to establish a strong presence in Europe, and we have already taken steps in this direction in recent years, for example through our distribution partners in Iceland, India, Canada, Malta, etc. But since April 2024, we have taken the next step towards Eastern Europe with our acquisition of Alto Design in Poland.

With Winwinner and BNP ParisBas Fortis we found the perfect financing mix and partners to finance this acquisition.

What does this acquisition mean for Stretch?

STRETCH will move its entire production of PVC stretch ceilings from Belgium (Beveren-Waas) to Poland (Czestochowa)

Stretch made the decision to move production to Poland due to the high wage and energy costs in Belgium, to be successful in the long term and to stay successful we had to make sure we stayed competitive.

Producing stretch ceilings in Belgium was always our dream, but we have to think long term and that is why we made this decision.

What does the future hold?

This was one of the acquisitions planned, 2024 will be used to unite and strengthen the synergy of Belgium, Poland and Austria. In 2025 we are looking at a 2nd acquisition abroad, to strengthen our further European growth.

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